Apartment or House? 5 Reasons to Downsize & 5 To Expand


If you're currently a city dweller but your family is expanding soon, you're probably considering if your home size should expand, too. There's a lot of reasons to stay in your apartment and in the city, but expanding has its pros, too.

10: Downsize: You’ll likely live closer to work

One of the pros of city life, and therefore apartment life, is you can live in a place much closer to work. City dwellers can walk to work or take easily accessible mass transit. When you live in the suburbs, you need to walk or drive to the train or bus station. Then, take the bus into the city, and finally, walk or take mass transit to your office. All of this adds up to less time with your child. When you downsize, you can afford to live closer to work and spend less time getting to and from the office.

Read the other reasons to stay in your apartment and five to expand on BabyGaga.com.


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